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Three Outrageous TED Talks That Demonstrate How Great Speakers Use Stories

Before we, the audience, can listen to you, the speaker, we have to trust you. One of the best ways to establish trust is through a personal story. Watch as these three master speakers begin their talks by revealing a piece of themselves through story.

1.) The Power of Introverts - Susan Cain

Susan Cain Great Female Speakers

“When I was nine years old, I went off to summer camp for the first time.” Before diving into statistics, history, and personality theory, Susan Cain tells us a humorous story about her first experience at summer camp, when she first realized that introversion was the less acceptable way of being in the world.

Watch here.

2.) Where Joy Hides and How to Find It - Ingrid Fetell Lee

Ingrid Fetell Lee Great Female Speakers

“It’s 2008, and I’m just finishing my first year of design school…” Story can be simple. Ingrid Fetell Lee takes us back in time to the comment from her professor that sparked a ten year quest into the relationship between design and joy.

Watch here.

3.) Why You Should Define Your Fears Instead of Your Goals - Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss Great Speakers Who Use Stories

“I was a senior in college, and it was right after a dance practice. I was really, really happy...” Tim Ferriss starts strong with by revealing one of his darkest moments, and how it taught him a different decision making framework.

Watch here.

Want to see the story queen, Mikki herself take the Tedx stage???

Watch Mikki's Tedx Speech here.

So here's Mikki's question for you:

Can you use more stories in your speech? What relevant personal stories can you share to build trust with your audience?


Top Motivational Speaker Mikki Williams

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