be outrageous! It's the only place that isn't crowded TM
Mikki Williams

Have we connected yet?

Mikki Williams, CSP, CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame is an explorer... an explorer of life and people and especially of herself. She is an inspirational humorista, business motivator, global celebrity speaker, author, executive speech coach, TEDx speaker, radio & TV personality, transformational storyteller, entrepreneur extraordinaire and mensch! A disruptor and a maverick in today’s evolving world, she is changing the game of how you look at life and business.
For those who are interested, you can take a look at Mikki's accomplishments, her pre-speaking business history and her personal story here.
For Mikki's professional bios, please visit Coaching, Speaking and Vistage.
the achievements list

She is a sequin in world of khaki…
Here is a short (ha!) list of Mikki's accomplishments:
Inducted into the CPAE Speaker Hall of Fame® which honors professional speakers who have reached the top echelon of platform excellence. Less than 1% of all speakers achieve this lifetime award for speaking excellence and professionalism.
Earned her designation as CSP, Certified Speaking Professional, an honor bestowed on less than eight percent of the National Speakers Association's 3800+ members worldwide.
Featured in USA Today, Forbes and on the front page of the Wall Street Journal
Master Chair with Vistage International, the world’s leading executive organization - only 10% of all Chairs hold this distinction.
Named one of the Outstanding Connecticut Women of the Decade by the United Nations
ABC did a television documentary about her life, entitled "A Better Way"
She has spoken two times at The White House, at President Mandela's South African home and on every continent (except Antarctica) where she can’t wear her stilettos
BS degree, Ithaca College, (no way she's telling you what year)
MBA (almost) University of New Haven
MLE Master of Life Experiences
Speaker Advisory Board, Vistage International
Vistage Lifetime Achievement Award, Chair Excellence Award, Speaker of the Year Award

Golden Mike Award, National Speakers Association, NYC Chapter
Celebration of Life Award, National Speakers Association, IL Chapter
Silver Medalist, Competitive American Latin Ballroom, Tri-State Challenge
Small Business Advocate of the Year
Entrepreneur of the Year
International Business Person of the Year
Finalist/Judge/Keynote Speaker, INC. Magazine's Entrepreneur of the Year
First President of the Entrepreneurial Women's Network
Celebrity Chef for March of Dimes Gourmet Gala
Celebrity "Waitress" for Leukemia Society
Served on the Reebok Advisory Board
Presidential Sports Award
Contributing writer to industry and commercial publications
Wrote and starred in her one night only (which turned into four sold out shows) one woman show, "She Came, She Wore, She Conquered…shoes, sex and other stories” at Second City, Chicago
"Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to speak to the employees of the Executive Office of the President. Words cannot express how moved we were by your outstanding presentation! It was by far the most successful program the WHAC has ever sponsored."
Denise Terry | Program Director
The White House

business chronology
Ever wonder what Mikki was up to before she started speaking? Well, here's how it all evolved for those curious minds...

Professional Dancer
Theater, Nightclub, Latin

Physical Education Instructor
Recreation Director

Wife and Mother
her most esteemed roles

The Happy Cooker (really!)
gourmet catering and party planning

a dance class
award winning, nationally recognized dance studio

The Body Firm
health club

Kisses, a boutique
retail enterprise

Management Consulting

Sea-ductive Adventures
cruise placement agency for speakers/entertainers

Six Degrees of Wellness
natural health products and related services

Coaching, etc...
executive and life management coaching

Personalized online dating profiles
And now...
Mikki Williams,
the professional speaker.
A speaking bureau.

the inside scoop
What's your real person story, Mikki? Who are you?!

Mikki was born in the Bronx, NY...an only child...but not the favorite. She lived the first quarter of her life in NYC, second quarter doing the family thing in the 'burbs of Westport, CT. Since then she has been loving the midwestern lifestyle in the city of Chicago...and now a month-bird (one week a month in season) as opposed to a snowbird (winters in fL) as a homeowner in Naples, Florida. Born on the fourth of July (in case you want to send a present), she is independent, patriotic, colorful and a real firecracker! She’s built all of her businesses on her amazing ability to network. She believes networking is a contact sport and has been practicing since childhood.
Her two main hobbies include cooking (she's a gourmet cook...Martha, eat your heart out), and actually she's profiled in "Martha, INC," the autobiography, on page 71. She even won an award from the CIA, impressive, huh? That would be the Culinary Institute of America when she served as a Celebrity Chef for the March of Dimes Gourmet Gala.
A former professional dancer, she still takes lessons, dances at clubs and is working to compete again, last time winning in the Latin Silver division. Her favorites are mambo, cha cha, rumba, salsa, merengue as well as Argentine Tango (she even dabbled in belly dance...she wasn't very good at it... her son Jason used to stand behind her and jiggle the furniture to make it look like she was moving). Her dance school won every award in that industry and her studio was filled with the likes of Martha Stewart, Joanne Woodward, Patty Hearst and the children of Diana Ross and Erica Jong. One of her first students, Wayne Cilento is the Tony award winning choreographer of Wicked and an original member of A Chorus Line. Her students have appeared on Broadway, in nightclubs, cruises, and she even trained a principal with the Houston Ballet.

An athletic gal, she taught Physical Education (that’s what it was called waaaaay back then, millennials:-), owned a health club and earned the Presidential Sports Award. Although she walked 60 miles to raise money for the Avon Breast Cancer Walk she is not a camper...her idea of the great outdoors is the distance from the limo to the hotel lobby. And she is wildly fun! Yes, it is a balloon skirt a client made for her for a presentation :-)

And in case you’re wondering about the shoe theme in various places, Mikki loves shoes!!

Mikki has so much energy...she makes coffee nervous. One attendee came up to her after a program and asked her to hold his cell phone. As she took it she asked why? He replied, "I just wanted to recharge my battery." As an aside, she USED to collect lips (so "puhleeze" don't send anymore:-). Although did you notice them in various locations throughout the website? Her collection included a five foot lip couch in her home and assorted other lip accessories from toilet seats to artwork (most of which she has now given away…couch went to Jason). And yes, she HAD black hair. More information than you needed to know? Then why are you still reading?
Mikki was happy when the movie "Brave Heart" debuted. Affirmed by Mel Gibson's short skirts and big hair, she is also comfortable with who she is. In a world where most people are trying to fit in Mikki was born to stand out. Audiences who go beyond the exterior find a woman who exudes confidence and credibility in her business acumen and life's lessons. Nine careers later (she's not that old, they overlapped) she continues to use the gift of self-effacing humor to humanize her larger-than-life persona, her flamboyant style and infectious energy, and to endear herself to audiences everywhere.
Did we mention, Brat (you were expecting Fido?), Mikki's lovable Llasa Apso? In the last year of his life he couldn't use his front paws so she used to take him out in his li'l red wagon. She misses him every day.

For all of you who want to see Kathy from this audience favorite story, "The Ferrari Factor" from Part 1 of Mikki’s Whole Life Trilogy, A Balancing Act: Walking the Tightrope of Life, here's her photo and yes, it is not current but it does match the year of the Ferrari:-). Watch a clip from the Ferrari story here!

And lastly, Mikki lives by the motto, Carpe Diem!
...she wants to be thoroughly used up when she dies...
...her ultimate goal is when the check to the undertaker...bounces!